When is Mother's Day 2024? What to know about the holiday and its origins

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A special day is approaching in which mothers around the nation and world are celebrated.

Here's what to know about when Mother's Day is this year and why the holiday is recognized.

When is Mother's Day 2024?

In the United States, Mother's Day is recognized annually on the second Sunday in May.

This year, it falls on May 12, 2024.

Who started Mother's Day?

Anna Jarvis is the founder of the modern Mother's Day, according to Britannica, after she advocated for the holiday in honor of her late mother who was a social activist and wanted a holiday that celebrated mothers and all they do for "humanity in every field of life."

Jarvis started a letter-writing campaign in 1907 to generate "support for a holiday to honor mothers for their invaluable role as domestic caregivers and their selfless devotion to their families," and in 1914 Pres. Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day a national holiday.

However, Jarvis spent the last years of her life trying to abolish the now-commercialized holiday which became associated with sending cards and gifts.

How is Mother's Day celebrated?

Mother's Day is a day to honor mothers, grandmothers, aunts and those who hold mothering roles.

In the U.S., Mother's Day is celebrated by giving mothers and other women with gifts and flowers, and also by giving mothers a day off from cooking and other household duties, and is one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending.