Sleep Schedule And Mental Health: How Does An Erratic Sleep Schedule Impact You?

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5 ways your body reacts when you do not sleep on time for days on end.


What Happens If You Do Not Sleep On Time For Many Days?

One of the most crucial things that we often give less attention to in the 21st century in sleep and sleep time. Many work environments do not cater to this part of people's lives and rarely acknowledges that a proper sleep routine is important for productivity. In reality, proper sleep is also important for sanity.



Yes, if you keep sleeping at different times everyday, it may lead to depression. Sleeping at different times means that you are generally sleeping very late and eventually not sleeping properly. This will lead to a severe imbalance of your hormonal health which may lead to depression.  Also Read - Vitamin D Deficiency And Cancer Risk: Is There Really A Link Between The Two?


Fatigue During The Day

If you are sleeping late at night and you have to any how wake up on time in the morning, you will never get enough sleep. This can lead to many diseases and fatigue during the day. It may also lead to chronic fatigue. The other impact of sleeping late will be that you will not be able to wake up on time and this may impact your work and responsibilities.


Faster Burnout

Yes, not sleeping well at night will eventually lead to burnout. This is because your tasks during the day us not less just because you did not get enough sleep at night. Therefore, your brain will have to function at top level but your are also exhausting physically and mentally, thereby causing burnout faster than you think.  Also Read - Tuna Salad To Chia Smoothie: Healthy Omega-3 Rich Recipes For Dinner


Low Mood And Productivity

Sleep and adequate rest is important for productivity and good mood. There is a reason these things are deemed as important. Without them, you will be cranky and your productivity will be low. When you are tired, your brain cannot function optimally, hence the low productivity.



Because of low mood, fatigue and tiredness, you will inevitably feel irritable all the time. This will especially happen when your body has not received adequate amount of sleep for days.  Also Read - Smoothie To Chaat: Let's Get Healthy With These Avocado Recipes

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