Apple, Samsung remain top players in tablet market in Q1 2024, IDC reports - Times of India

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After more than two years of declining sales, the worldwide

tablet market

experienced a modest 0.5% year-over-year growth in the first quarter of 2024, with 30.8 million units shipped, according to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (



This growth marks the first positive trend since the second quarter of 2021 when the market began to slow down due to saturation.

Although economic challenges persist, the uptick in shipments this quarter can be attributed to the start of a refresh cycle. However, long-term volumes are not expected to reach the high levels during the pandemic.

Despite the overall growth, major players in the tablet market faced varying fortunes.


, holding the top position with 9.9 million units shipped, experienced an 8.5% year-over-year decline due to economic conditions and a lack of new models. In second place,


saw a 5.8% decline in shipments, influenced by competitive promotions and a shortage of new products. On the other hand,


maintained its third position and achieved an impressive 43.6% year-over-year growth, likely benefiting from the resurgence of its smartphone business.

Shift towards premium tablets offers hope

Despite the challenges the tablet market faces, there is a silver lining in the shift towards

premium tablets

as consumers seek productivity-oriented devices. This trend could potentially drive growth in the market as users look for devices that can cater to their work and entertainment needs. IDC's Anuroopa Nataraj, Senior Research Analyst for Mobility and Consumer Device Trackers, noted that the real gains will come from the next refresh cycle, followed by growth in commercial segments as more tablets are used in education and the gig economy.

AI capabilities could boost tablet market growth

Looking ahead, the tablet market faces competition from


and smartphones, which could contribute to a lacklustre outlook. However, there is potential for growth driven by the integration of AI capabilities, similar to what is expected in other device categories. As more consumers seek advanced features and improved user experiences, tablets with AI-driven functionality could attract new buyers and encourage existing users to upgrade their devices.