Magic Pill by Johann Hari review — how to solve the obesity crisis

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Saturday May 18 2024

One Christmas Eve Johann Hari went to his local KFC and placed an order. Before he left, the man serving him asked him to wait a minute. He went back into the kitchen, then returned with all the staff, bearing a Christmas card. "They had addressed it, 'To our best customer', and all written personal messages," Hari recalls.

"My heart sank," he writes, "because I thought: This isn't even the fried chicken shop I come to the most."

Today Hari is no longer their best customer. There are, in fact, terrible portents for the world's fried chicken shops. And not just chicken. Last year one investment bank downgraded its advice on Krispy Kreme doughnuts stock for the same reason.

That reason? Hari, and much of