Why I risked my $66k-a-year education to protest on campus

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Friday May 24 2024

It has been a whirlwind few days and Iris Hsiang has forgotten to return her mother's calls.

"I meant to do it this morning, she'll probably be worried," says Hsiang, standing outside the gates of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus on an overcast afternoon. Her phone is dead and she doesn't have her charger.

Worried is perhaps an understatement given the situation. Columbia has been in lockdown after one of its historic old halls was occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters and 20-year-old Hsiang has been suspended for protesting.

An undergraduate in climate science and human rights, Hsiang was among the dozens of demonstrators arrested for refusing to leave the encampment on the university's central lawn. She was handcuffed with zip ties and put in a holding