You Can Play Bruce and Box With a Real Cardboard Box

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Hako Dake no Blues, or Bruce and Box, is available for the Nintendo Switch and requires using a real-life cardboard box to play. You can control the character by lifting and lowering the box. [Thanks, Inside Games!]

There is a video describing how you can play it. You need to place the Joycon on a table, and then enter a cardboard box while standing in front of the Joycon. The Joycon's IR camera senses the silhouette of the box to know when you lift and lower it. So you should not play it while wearing something like a long skirt.

As for the game itself, Hako Dake no Blues, is a story about a man who lost all of his clothes after playing a game with his friends. Now naked, he must travel home with only a cardboard box to protect him. The goal of the game is to make it back but without alerting people to the fact that you're naked. Every time someone might see you, you have to lower your body (in real life) to hide the protagonist in the cardboard box.

Hako Dake no Blues, or Bruce and Box, is readily available on the Nintendo Switch. The Switch version has additional stages from the original release of the game.

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