Sunny with a stiff breeze: Nasa forecasts the weather on distant planet

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Saturday May 18 2024

There will be clear skies in eastern areas but swathes of thick cloud will cover the west. Wind speeds are forecast to reach 5,000mph. And pack your sunscreen, as it will be hot enough in the sunshine to forge iron.

Nasa has used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to produce one of the most detailed weather maps ever created for a planet outside our solar system.

For the first time, astronomers have discovered how the weather differs across the two hemispheres of a planet called Wasp-43b, a gas-giant world similar in size to Jupiter but much hotter.

The planet orbits a star called Wasp-43 which lies 280 light years from Earth. This is 1.6 million billion miles, equivalent to around 368,000 times the distance