The Times view on Anglo-German co-operation: Silent Alliance

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Saturday May 4 2024

Rishi Sunak and Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, in Berlin on Wednesday


The strategic relationship between Britain and Germany, Europe's two biggest economies and two of its three most important military powers, does not attract the fanfare of the allegedly special relationship between London and Washington, or the occasionally fractious century-old entente between London and Paris.

Yet, what has been referred to as the "silent alliance" is one of the foundations of European security. Britain and Germany are — aside from the vastly greater contribution of the United States — the two principal backers of Ukraine in terms of money and hardware (though France is at last beginning to pull its weight). While Germany provides Leopard tanks and US-made Patriot air defence systems, Britain supplies Storm Shadow cruise missiles for deep-strike operations. Both countries train Ukrainian personnel